Acupuncture: How it Works and Is It Right For Me ?

Many people over the years have asked me “Does acupuncture treat _____?” or “Can acupuncture help with insert health issue here?” My answer is always an emphatic “Most likely!

See, acupuncture works on all of the body’s internal systems, whether it be digestion, cardiovascular, hormonal, neurological, pain response or basically any other physiological process in your wonderfully made body! All of it.

What it does not necessarily treat is structural issues, like say, a broken bone or a clogged artery or a tilted pelvis. But that is not to say that acupuncture treatments cannot help expedite healing and recovery from those particular issues. As for the broken bone, a few strategically placed needles are not going to magically fuse that bone back together, but a repeated treatment strategy can reduce pain and promote faster healing of that bone to get you back to your normal life; operational and pain free. As for the clogged artery, no we cannot get in there and physically chisel away at the arterial plaque buildup, but we can impact the organs, reduce inflammation and help slow down the damage being caused to those arteries and correct the mechanism causing the dysfunction.

How acupuncture works is by creating balance in the body. Yeah, I know that sounds vague.. But stick with me here. Oftentimes, bodies endure a lot of stress or a bit of dysfunction here and there. Physical or emotional trauma, chronic aches and pains, difficulty sleeping, high stress levels, perhaps an underlying autoimmune syndrome going on can cause small little traumas to the body that add up big time after a while. This causes a huge imbalance which can eventually throw other physiological systems out of whack. Acupuncture can intervene and nudge the body back into homeostasis - that is balance. This is the space in which our bodies want to operate.

Now, HOW does acupuncture create balance to promote healing and wellness?
Well, it works through feedback loops, by directly impacting our nervous system to send signals to the brain for the body to correct itself. For instance, chronic pain is a huge red flag that our body is telling us something is wrong. A lot of times there are a  significant amount of prostaglandins involved which are hormones that exert a lot of influence over key physiological processes in your body—including pain levels and inflammation. Acupuncture can reduce the concentration of these prostaglandins and effectively alleviate pain. For instance, many women with painful periods or endometriosis have significantly higher levels of prostaglandins in their uterine tissues. One research study has shown an immediate pain-relieving effect by stimulating just one acupuncture point.

For stress related issues which can range from insomnia, digestive issues, high blood pressure, infertility to a whole slew of other issues, acupuncture helps relax the body and ease it into the parasympathetic mode. In this manner, acupuncture promotes the body’s healing response by down-regulating the sympathetic “fight or flight” nervous activity. This process allows the parasympathetic “rest and digest” response to take the lead and establish a natural healing mode of repair and regeneration. This mechanism can also help reduce cortisol “the stress hormone”,  assist in the production of endorphins - naturally pain killing opioids and other feel good chemicals in your brain.  Bonus! Most people enjoy a blissfully, light and relaxed nap while receiving their acupuncture treatment. This is where the healing happens!

Hopefully, this article has shed some light on this topic for you. If you’d like to know more, we offer free 15 minute consults over the phone or via video chat or you can book an appointment right here on our site under the Book Appointment button.  We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
May you be well!

Jennifer Green